Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Advanced Facebook Advertising.

Welcome to Four Steps to Freedom! If this is your first visit, Please visit some of my previous posts to help keep up to speed. Today I will be talking about Advanced Tips for Facebook marketing.

Filtering and Why it is Important.
How many of you have been adding 20-30 people a day on facebook? This is a great practise BUT be sure that you’re Adding the RIGHT people!

What’s Filtering?
It’s the process of selecting the Quality from the Quantity.
When you add random People you will get Friends that aren't in Marketing, and you'll get people that are soliciting all kinds of things.
Do yourself a favour and Start Filtering.
When you’re looking at a new “Friend” Hop onto their Page, and check it out.
Are they into Marketing? 
Are they promoting a similar Business or opportunity? 
Do they look Active? 
These are all great indicators that the person is a great Fit.
Learn to watch for:
·        Inactivity
·        Posting nothing but Links
·        adds Multiple, Multiple Tags to people Not in the Photo/link.
These generally indicate a Poor Fit and you won’t gain anything from associating with them.

The Next Great Tip:
Activate your follow button.
If your Follow button isn’t enables, your missing out on a HUGE market!
Well What Is It and What Does It Do?
Well it allows people to see your Posts, without having to be your Friend.

Sounds kind of pointless maybe?
Not even. many people want to see what your about and want to see how legitimate you are, But don’t want to take that step of being your “Friend” This allows you to get your “Foot in the door” and start reaching people that wouldn’t necessarily be comfortable being your Friend.

An important step of the follow button is to be sure you set the Privacy settings to PUBLIC! or average Joe won’t be able to follow you.

Now I want to share an Excellent Friend Boosting Technique That a Friend of mine showed me:
#1 Be active, Like and comment on Peoples posts.
It shows your active on Facebook and not using an autoresponder.
#2 Look for a post you enjoy, Like it, Comment on it, Like your comment.
Scroll through, Find people you’re not connected with.
Follow them and Like their comment.
Go through the list again and again.
Why do we do this?
When you hit follow button, It notifies them “So and so, is now following you”
and it notifies them again when you Like their comment.
If your consistent with this method, you will begin to see a Major Rise of Friend requests
a little side tip, Look for posts with many comments like 8+ 15+ is better but don’t be too picky.
as long as you like the topic, Do the method!

How to get likes and comments, on your Posts.
Whenever you post on your timeline, once you get likes and comments, Like and comment back.
But DO NOT MASS respond,
Like a few here or there, comment
Come back in an hour or so, and like and comment some more.
What this does is it keeps your post at the top of the news feed.
You’ll get more exposure and more comments and likes.
Simply because your Post is active and so it Shows up on the News feed Longer.

Some Facebook Account Setup Tips:
#1 GET A PROFILE PICTURE! Networking is essentially selling yourself, so BE PROFESSIONAL!
Get a Nice photo of yourself:
A clear photo of your face, with a happy and or excited look!

#2 Get a Cover Photo, JUST as Important! It shows what you’re interested in. Or you could even advertise your Business.

#3 Activate follow button.  Go to your Settings-> click Followers->Activate Follow button-> Set it to Public!

#4 Make your Wall Engaging! Add photos of your life, post things OTHER than links.
Tell people what you’re doing, and who you are! Your Connections want to know what you’re about, and your Lifestyle! A technique I use is to Post Useful Topics or Tools!

#5 Go to your settings and make sure you’re the only one allowed to post on your wall, Otherwise People are going to be spamming your wall with “ Thanks for the Connection” or advertising their Product/ Opportunity.

#6 while in settings don’t forget to set “Review Posts people tag you in before it appears in your timeline” This stops people from being able to tag you in things you have no affiliation with.

If you want to really stand out from the crowd and utilize the power of Facebook, Make sure you Follow these guidelines.
Best of luck out there!
-Andrew Halliday


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